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Alycia takes on the role of Chair for the Department of Geological Sciences

by Alycia Stigall

In July, Dr. Stigall was elected to begin a term as Chair of the Department of Geological Sciences at Ohio University immediately Although there are many challenges of leading a department during a pandemic, curricular revision, launch of a new online MS program, and pending building renovation, it has been really rewarding to be able to work with our faculty and students to provide them with support and to work to strategically improve our department and programs.

Chair’s Message | ‘Geologists are Natural Problem Solvers’ – Ohio University | College of Arts & Sciences

Hello Alumni and Friends, Fall is in the air here in Athens, but this is a fall like none before. 2020 has certainly been an interesting year in the Department of Geological Sciences, but geologists are natural problem solvers, and we are always ready for a challenge. The department continues […]